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A scientific research and development firm founded in 1992, Senecio Corporation specializes in software design and engineering. Located in the university town of Bowling Green, Ohio, the company's 1,250 sq. ft. facility provides ample space for engineers, interns, equipment, meeting rooms, and data center. The facilities are part of Systems Associates Inc (SAI.US) complex of secured and monitored offices with key fob access, office keypad doors, plus security cameras. In addition, the data center supplies backup AC, UPS generator power, and a Sapphire (halon type) fire suppression system.  
Located three blocks off the main campus of Bowling Green State University, the corporate offices are within easy walking distance of the university. Parking is available on campus and at the facility.

Senecio's business, educational and governmental partnerships have supported the company's work for 30 years. Desktop applications include IPSS, demography's first GUI projection program; MaCATI, one of the earliest CATI systems and the first for the Macintosh; and AskAnywhere, an early web-based, cross-platform, multilingual survey delivery system defined Senecio's software efforts in its early years. More recently, mobile applications have dominated development efforts. Examples include This Area, an iPhone app instantly displaying block group or census tract data given a user's geolocation, Public Places, mapping essential public services anywhere in the U.S., and AUGVENTS (corporate-startup), an event marketing app linking event geolocation with mapping and augmented reality.  

Along with its software development
 efforts, Senecio continues basic research into the possible use of satellite imagery to derive population estimates, searching for methane-emitting lost oil and gas wells, and estimating the presence of cyanotoxins in desert sandstorms.

These software development and scientific research efforts have led to the receipt of seven National Institutes of Health Small Business Innovation Research Awards.

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Senecio Corporation derives its name and logo from the rare species of flowering plant (Senecio franciscanus) found near the summit of the highest point in the southwestern United States, Flagstaff, Arizona's 12,633 ft strato-volcano, the San Francisco Peaks.


Jerry W. Wicks


500 LEHMAN AVE. #29


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